Easy Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Anxiety is almost a normal part of modern life, and something we all feel from time to time.  However, feeling anxious for no reason or frequent, overwhelming anxiety attacks may mean that you have a generalized anxiety disorder.   Anxiety symptoms may include irritability, insomnia, restlessness, digestive disorders, inability to concentrate and general restlessness.   Headaches, tooth grinding, muscle aches, fatigue and other physical symptoms may also occur.

While it is important to see a physician in order to rule out any serious medical conditions, and many doctors will also prescribe medication, there are several easy natural remedies for anxiety.   Use of natural remedies for anxiety attacks is easy, side-effect free, and safe.

Relieving physical tension is a natural way to ease symptoms.  Exercise and bodywork are two natural remedies for anxiety attacks.  The most popular form of body work is massage therapy. Massage relieves physical tension in the muscles, and also has positive psychological effects.  Exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, and improve general mental health.  Yoga puts emphasis on mental focus, and can ease stress.  Even more strenuous exercise such as running, can ease anxiety symptoms, and have been shown to promote the release of “feel good” chemicals such as endorphins in the brain.

For mild stress and anxiety, simple things like aromatherapy, music with natural sounds, such as rainfall or waves breaking and a slightly darkened room may help.  Use of these natural remedies for anxiety attacks in conjunction with meditation can help reduce anxiety symptoms.

Nutrition can also play a role in managing anxiety symptoms.  If you suffer from frequent anxiety attacks, one thing to be aware of is that fluctuating blood sugar levels may adversely affect your moods.   Make every effort to keep your blood sugar level by reducing overall sugar intake, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and eating small amounts of protein every few hours throughout the day.  A handful of almonds in between meals does wonders to keep your blood sugar level from dropping.   There are also supplements and herbs which many claim to help.   These include green tea extract, passion flower, valerian extract and magnesium.

Among natural remedies for anxiety and panic attacks, hypnotherapy is a safe and effective treatment.  A trained and compassionate hypnotherapist can work with you to identify the triggers of your anxiety attacks, and teach you coping mechanisms, as well as how to control your thoughts and emotions.

If anxiety is stopping you from normal activities, and you have ruled out medical conditions, try some of these natural remedies for anxiety.   You may be able to reduce your anxiety and even banish it completely.

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