What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses the power of the subconscious mind to effect change in human behavior.  Performed by a skilled and trained hypnotherapist, hypnotherapy has been proven effective in such areas as smoking cessation, pain management, performance enhancement and habit control.

During hypnotherapy, the hypnotic state is induced.  This enables changes in perception and memory, and allows an increased response to suggestion.   This state is a completely safe and natural state of consciousness.  While under hypnosis, the subject may experience the feelings of heightened focus or alertness, calmness and relaxation, or even heavy sleepiness.   Every individual’s experience is unique.

Once the subject is in the hypnotic state, a trained hypnotherapist will use various therapeutic tools to guide the subject towards his or her goals.   The hypnotherapist uses suggestions, metaphors and imagery to focus the subject’s subconscious mind on achieving the desired results.

Hypnotherapy can be used for a wide range of vocational and avocational self-improvement goals.   These include conquering fears, changing habits, overcoming grief, stress or anxiety, weight management, sports, school or work performance enhancement, relationship and interpersonal communications issues, and many others.    Frequently a person entering into hypnotherapy may discover that he or she has multiple, sometimes connected issues which need to be resolved.

Is there anything to be afraid of when considering hypnotherapy?  No, hypnosis is a natural healthy state that most people enter easily and comfortably.  Many subjects report feeling a sense of deep and focused calm, and come out of the hypnotic state feeling refreshed, rested and relaxed.   A hypnotherapist cannot make you do something embarrassing or something that you so not want to do.

Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for proper medical care, but is often used as an additional therapy with people who are receiving medical or psychiatric care.  In these instances, the hypnotherapist works with the patient’s doctor and other caregivers as a member of the patient’s medical team.   In the case of diagnosed psychological disorders, a psychiatrist or psychologist may also be involved.

How Food Choices Affect You

I often write about blood sugar levels and weight management programs. As a hypnotherapist, I have found that maintaining a consistent and healthy blood sugar level is important for both physical and emotional health.  When a client comes to me for weight management issues, part of my job is to educate him or her in how different food choices influence not just their physical, but also their mental well-being.

In our fast paced culture, many people rely on fast foods or convenience foods for a good part of their meals.  Although there may be some healthful choices in the fast food category, the vast majority of fast foods and convenience foods are high calorie, high fat and high sodium, and low in vitamins and minerals.   We must recognize that food is fuel for our bodies, and the quality of that fuel makes a difference in how our bodies run.

High quality, nutritious foods contribute to our overall health and well being.  Low quality, poor foods deteriorate our bodies.  Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?    So just what are high quality, nutritious foods?     Generally these foods are non-processed, naturally low calorie foods.     As would be expected, the list of low calorie foods  is heavy on vegetables, beans and legumes.  Also fish, oats, eggs, and many others fall into this category.   The less processing and added ingredients the better.   These healthful, low calorie foods should be the cornerstone of most diets.

One tip I give my clients is this – shop around the edges of the supermarket, and avoid the inside aisles where the processed foods are found.    The next thing to remember is that you may start out with a highly nutritious, low calorie  food such as a piece of fish or broccoli, but if you fry it up in a heavy batter and serve it with creamy buttery sauce, you are doing yourself a disservice.  The method of food preparation is as important as the particular choices.  Adding oils, butters and creams, breading and frying foods is discouraged.  Steaming, broiling and wok-searing are must healthier cooking methods.

Making the right food choices may not be easy, especially if this is a new way of eating.  But it is possible to do, and to make it your everyday eating style.  Choosing highly nutritious, low calorie foods on a regular basis will help keep your weight down, your blood sugar levels consistent and your overall health good.

Does hypnosis work?

People are usually so skeptical when they hear that I use hypnotherapy to help my clients with pain relief, or to conquer fears.   Then their curiosity gets the better of them and they start asking questions. Does hypnosis work?  Usually people claim that they can’t be hypnotized.   But the truth is, everyone can be hypnotized.   Some people are more susceptible and some more resistant.  Some people are so open to it, that they are literally walk around all day in a hypnotic state.

Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness, much like fully cognitive consciousness or unconsciousness.  Hypnosis is a state of consciousness somewhere between the two.   Everyone experiences it to some degree at one time or another.  For instance, have you ever been driving on the freeway and missed your exit because you were daydreaming?   Guess what – you were in a state of hypnosis.   You were functioning, that is, you were driving, but your subconscious mind was more in control of your thoughts than your conscious mind.    At any instant, say if someone cut in front of you, you could snap back to full focus, but for a few minutes there, you slipped into a less than fully conscious state.   Now think about people you know.  Some drift through life, not seeming to focus on anything.  Some are super focused, analytical and goal oriented.    Everybody falls somewhere on this spectrum of susceptibility to hypnosis.    My job is to recognize where you fall on the spectrum, and tailor my message and use of my tools to your specific needs.

Now think about what you do every day, and how much of it that you do without even thinking.  You get up in the morning and pick up the toothbrush and unscrew the cap of the toothpaste and squeeze the toothpaste onto the brush.  While you are doing that you may be thinking about some work you have to do later, or a phone call you need to make, or a chore that needs doing.  You are probably not thinking, “Now I am going to unscrew the toothpaste cap.  Now I am going to squeeze the toothpaste.”   You are performing these tasks and many others throughout your day with your subconscious mind.  You have brushed your teeth so many times that you can do it without thinking.    It might surprise you to know that about 88% of our actions and behaviors are controlled by our subconscious and only 12% by our rational, conscious mind.

Our subconscious mind is comfortable with “knowns”, whether good or bad.  If every time you fell off the monkey bars, your mother comforted you with a cookie, as an adult when you need comfort, you will reach for a cookie.  This is your “known”.    When you decide to go on a diet, your logical, rational 12% is telling you that you want to look and feel better.  But the subconscious 88% may be sabotaging your progress.  How does hypnosis work?    In the hypnotic state, your subconscious is at the forefront, rather than your critical thinking mind.  You subconscious is open to suggestions made by the hypnotherapist, and it becomes easier for you to reach any goal you desire.

What is high blood sugar and do I have it?

What is high blood sugar?  Do I have it?  Why should I care?  These are questions that I frequently hear from clients who come to me for a weight management program.  High blood sugar is when the glucose (sugar) level in one’s blood rises.  If your blood sugar remains high, complications such as dehydration and more serious complications may occur.

Although blood sugar naturally fluctuates throughout the day, becoming aware of what causes fluctuations and keeping your levels more consistent will greatly aid in health and wellness, as well as emotional health and stability.

So, what are the causes of high blood sugar?  The main cause is when the pancreas does not secrete enough insulin.  Insulin Is a hormone which helps glucose go from the bloodstream into our cells to be used for energy. A condition called insulin-resistance is the second main cause. Insulin-resistance, which occurs primarily in type 2 diabetes, is when the cells are resistant to the glucose-lowering effects of insulin. If someone has either not enough insulin and/or insulin-resistance, then high blood sugar levels or diabetes will occur.

Effects of high blood sugar levels include short term problems such as fatigue, feeling weak, excessive urination, dehydration, susceptibility to infections and blurry vision.   Long term effects include diabetes, eye disease, kidney disease and failure or nerve disease and neuropathy.  Eventually uncontrolled diabetes can lead to heart disease and even death.

Lowering high blood sugar means changing your diet. Cut out sugary and high calorie drinks and substitute water.  Drinking a lot of water will help flush your system, and also help to control your weight.  Get a moderate amount of exercise every day.    Eat smaller but more frequent healthful meal, including proteins.  Eliminate or cut back on high sugar foods.  Manage stress levels through relaxation techniques.   All of these actions will have a positive effect on not only your blood sugar, but your overall health and fitness.

Easy Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Anxiety is almost a normal part of modern life, and something we all feel from time to time.  However, feeling anxious for no reason or frequent, overwhelming anxiety attacks may mean that you have a generalized anxiety disorder.   Anxiety symptoms may include irritability, insomnia, restlessness, digestive disorders, inability to concentrate and general restlessness.   Headaches, tooth grinding, muscle aches, fatigue and other physical symptoms may also occur.

While it is important to see a physician in order to rule out any serious medical conditions, and many doctors will also prescribe medication, there are several easy natural remedies for anxiety.   Use of natural remedies for anxiety attacks is easy, side-effect free, and safe.

Relieving physical tension is a natural way to ease symptoms.  Exercise and bodywork are two natural remedies for anxiety attacks.  The most popular form of body work is massage therapy. Massage relieves physical tension in the muscles, and also has positive psychological effects.  Exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, and improve general mental health.  Yoga puts emphasis on mental focus, and can ease stress.  Even more strenuous exercise such as running, can ease anxiety symptoms, and have been shown to promote the release of “feel good” chemicals such as endorphins in the brain.

For mild stress and anxiety, simple things like aromatherapy, music with natural sounds, such as rainfall or waves breaking and a slightly darkened room may help.  Use of these natural remedies for anxiety attacks in conjunction with meditation can help reduce anxiety symptoms.

Nutrition can also play a role in managing anxiety symptoms.  If you suffer from frequent anxiety attacks, one thing to be aware of is that fluctuating blood sugar levels may adversely affect your moods.   Make every effort to keep your blood sugar level by reducing overall sugar intake, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and eating small amounts of protein every few hours throughout the day.  A handful of almonds in between meals does wonders to keep your blood sugar level from dropping.   There are also supplements and herbs which many claim to help.   These include green tea extract, passion flower, valerian extract and magnesium.

Among natural remedies for anxiety and panic attacks, hypnotherapy is a safe and effective treatment.  A trained and compassionate hypnotherapist can work with you to identify the triggers of your anxiety attacks, and teach you coping mechanisms, as well as how to control your thoughts and emotions.

If anxiety is stopping you from normal activities, and you have ruled out medical conditions, try some of these natural remedies for anxiety.   You may be able to reduce your anxiety and even banish it completely.

Hypnotherapy for Sciatica Pain Relief

Sciatic refers to pain along the path of the sciatic nerve.  The pain is usually caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve.  The pain may radiate down the buttocks and legs, and is usually on only one side of the body.  One of the most common causes of sciatica pain is a herniated disc in the lower back.   The herniated disk may put pressure on the sciatic nerve.  Other causes may be muscle strain, or the spine being out of alignment.

Sciatica pain relief treatment may consist of medication, such as anti-inflammatory medication.  Natural sciatica pain relief such as physical therapy may also be used, as well as alternating hot and cold treatments.   A physician should always be consulted in order to rule out any serious conditions.  Another natural option may be hypnotherapy for sciatica pain relief.   Hypnotherapy can be very effective for managing pain, and providing pain relief.

Hypnotherapy for sciatica pain relief may include visualization exercises and relaxation techniques.  Although these exercises and techniques will not cure sciatica, they will help the individual cope with pain.   Sciatica pain relief visualization may include teaching the patient to visualize the path of the pain along the nerve, and then to visualize soothing, calming energy replacing the pain along the path.    Often visualization techniques may be very specific and unique to the individual.  In a hypnotherapy session, the hypnotherapist works with the patient to create visualization techniques which specifically speak to that patient’s own experience.

Hypnotherapy for sciatica pain relief and visualization are pain management tools, which may be used along with any prescribed medical treatment.   Frequently the hypnotherapist will consult with your medical doctor before creating your hypnotherapy treatment plan.   Pain management tools, such as hypnotherapy, can help with chronic or acute pain, and can frequently be learned and done on your own.   Tools such as these can greatly reduce the need for medication and help patients maintain normal work and life routines.

Weight Loss Tips for Life

As a hypnotherapist, I frequently see clients for help with weight management. For the most part, these are normal, healthy, well adjusted people who can’t seem to do what it takes to lose weight.  As part of the therapy program, I offer them many weight loss tips which can help them achieve their goals.

First and foremost, before I offer any weight loss tips, I help each client assess their individual situation, goals and obstacles.   Each person is different, and each weight loss program is uniquely tailored to the individual. Together, we formulate a plan, and I put together several easy weight loss tips which the client can put into practice immediately.

Weight loss tips and tricks always include drinking plenty of water, eliminating sugar and fast foods, and eating more frequently.  Eating more frequently may seem to be moving in the wrong direction, but it actually helps to eat small snacks or meals every few hours.  The body maintains a more even blood sugar level and never goes into a fasting mode, where it stores fat.  My natural weight loss tips always include eating small snacks and meals every two to three hours.

When I work with clients who are trying to lose weight, I purposely call it a “weight management program”.  This is because weight loss is not something that can’t be fixed once and forever with a quick diet.   What I teach my client is that weight management is a long term life goal.  A nutrition and exercise plan that the client can make part of their own everyday life is my goal.  The weight loss tips that I share with my clients are part of this plan.   I also use hypnotherapy to help the client with focus and motivation to stay on course.

Weight management is something most of us have to incorporate into our lives.  A few easy weight loss tips can help my clients achieve their goals.

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Weight management is one of the areas that many of us struggle with on a daily basis.   Our busy lifestyles and the availability fast food lead many to make the wrong choices in moments of weakness.   Hypnotherapy for weight loss can help.

Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that can supplement any type of weight loss program you may be on.

Hypnotherapy for weight loss may include several different areas.  Your hypnotherapist may be part of your health care team, which may include a physician or a nutritionist.    In this case, your hypnotherapist may help you with motivation or with reinforcement of the positive aspects of the program you are on.

You may simply be on a self-directed diet and exercise program.  Again, hypnotherapy for weight loss would include motivation and reinforcement, but it might also include discussion of specific food choices or exercise programs.  It might include overcoming blocks that keep you from reaching your goals.   The hypnotherapist would likely use imagery to help you visualize a healthier more weight appropriate version of yourself.

In addition, many people who are dieting do not realize how fluctuating blood sugar levels can affect your moods and behaviors.   This can lead to difficulties with maintaining a diet and exercise program.   Your hypnotherapist can work with you to help you recognize signs of blood sugar drops and to achieve a stable blood sugar level through proper nutrition.

Some people find that they are overeating due to issues held over from the past or for emotional reasons.   These may also be addressed and resolved through a program of hypnotherapy for weight loss.

Hypnosis is a natural, healthy state of consciousness.   It is completely safe, and many people report feeling refreshed after a session.   During a hypnotherapy session,,  a trained Hypnotherapist will work with you to discover what your specific needs and goals are.  He will then create a plan to help you achieve those goals.    Because weight management is an on-going issue for many people, hypnotherapy for weight loss is an excellent tool to supplement and reinforce any weight management regime.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The power of your subconscious mind is amazing.  Your subconscious actually determines much of what you do every day.    Dr. John Kappas, the man who founded the first nationally accredited school of hypnotherapy in the United States, Dr’ Kappas’ developed the theory of mind to explain how our minds develop, and how our conscious and subconscious minds function.

According to the Theory of Mind, from birth and through about age eight, we learn a great deal.  Much of this learning is done through a process called identification and association.   For instance, we touch a hot stove, and we have learned to identify the stove and associate it with heat, or being burned, in a more drastic case.

During this childhood time, we are learning positive things and negative things.  We learn that we like hugs and kisses, but we don’t like spankings..  We learn that we like cake and cookies and we don’t like Brussels sprouts and anchovies.  But mostly what we learn is how to behave.  And we mostly learn this by watching and interacting with our primary caregivers, Mom and Dad.   What we learn as children becomes what we know, our “knowns”.   These “knowns” are our life script, and become our subconscious mind.  In this way, the power of our subconscious mind influences our behavior.

After age eight, we start developing what is known as the critical mind – logic, reasoning, decision-making, and analysis.   This becomes our conscious mind.   According to Dr. Kappas’ theory – the subconscious makes up 88% of our mind, and the conscious makes up 12%.

Think about any activity you do.   How about getting in the car and going to work.? Well you unlock the door, put the key in the ignition, turn the key, take off the parking brake, put the car in gear and start driving.   Were you doing all this with your conscious mind?   Were you thinking “Now I have t turn the ignition”?  No – you did it with your subconscious mind.  You might have been thinking about the workday ahead, or anything else.    According to Dr. Kappas’ theory of mind, 88% of what we do is controlled by our subconscious.

The theory of mind explains why hypnotherapy can be an effective tool in changing behaviors.  With the guidance of a trained hypnotherapist, you can make changes to your subconscious programming.   You can use the power of your subconscious mind to change your deeply embedded life script and achieve whatever behavioral goal you have established.

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique is a little known but extremely easy process that anyone can do.   This technique works with the power of your subconscious mind to help you overcome blocks to any behavioral change you want to make.  This technique also works for pain management and performance enhancement, as well as managing stress, handling grief and generally managing emotions.

Emotional Freedom Technique is an alternative healing therapy that works on the principle of the mind/body connection.  It is based on the theory that the body’s energy field is influenced by negative thoughts and emotions.    It makes use of the acupressure points used in acupuncture.  These meridian points on the body are tapped in a specific order and rhythm, which allows the individual to relax and distress.  When combined with focusing on one’s particular issue or trauma, emotional freedom technique can often quickly alleviate uncomfortable symptoms, as well as reduce psychological anxiety.   The tapping process acts to focus and rebalance one’s energy.

Some of the areas in which emotional freedom technique can help include insomnia, headache, backache, any type of chronic nagging pain, stress and anxiety, bad habits, focus and concentration and many, many others. I have used it myself to reduce cravings for chocolate and sweets and have seen it used to control chronic physical pain.   When used in conjunction with hypnotherapy or other therapies, it can work quickly, with no negative side effects.  It is safe and natural, easy to perform and requires no special tools or knowledge.  Unlike acupuncture, there are no needles and it is not invasive in any way.   It can be learned easily and performed by oneself.  Along with meditation, emotional freedom technique is a method that anyone can employ to help himself or herself rebalance their physical and mental energy.  For more information, please visit my hypnotherapy website at www.mindpowerarts.com.

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

When people find out that I am a hypnotherapist, they usually ask a lot of questions. Especially the smokers. The very first thing they ask me is “Does hypnosis to stop smoking work?” My answer to that question is a resounding Yes it Does. Then a funny thing happens. Either they become very interested in leaning more or they lose interest right away. Guess which ones want to quit?

Yes, hypnosis to stop smoking works. Hypnosis can work for overcoming fears, changing bad habits, managing stress and many other problems. But there is one caveat – you have to want to stop smoking, or get over your fear of flying, or stop biting your nails. It is not magic, where a magician waves a wand and you no longer want to smoke. You have to want to quit.

So, let’s say you are a smoker, and you have tried to quit many times and failed many times, but you desperately want to. Should you try hypnosis to stop smoking? Yes, if you are willing to do what it takes to quit. You will need to break both your physical and psychological addiction. Many smokers do not realize that cigarettes have over 200 ingredients in them, including hydrogen cyanide, ammonia and sugar.
Compared to hydrogen cyanide and ammonia, sugar doesn’t sound so bad, does it? But guess what – sugar is an addictive substance, and you are addicted to it.

Your hypnotherapist can work with you to formulate a plan for you to stop smoking, which will involve a commitment on your part. The hypnotherapist will then use hypnosis and hypnotic suggestions to assist you in achieving your goal of becoming a non-smoker. He or she may also give you suggestions on how to overcome cravings, get through tough periods, change your daily habits and alter your nutrition to assist in breaking your addiction.

Yes, hypnosis to stop smoking can be very successful if you want to stop.